Monday, July 6, 2015

Old Ways Begets New

18“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
19See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

-Isaiah 43:18-19

~ * ~

     We are back! And I am sooooo excited to begin this new journey.

     Old business ideas are fading as new ones break through the glass surface. What exactly has changed? After being baptized, my view on the business changed drastically. I want to build a business that will teach my children and future generations how to be selfless. Plus, they have a chance to learn about our Heavenly Father who is willing to help them change their lives for a more promising future. This business is headed in a direction that none of us had ever expected. I am pretty sure none of you'd expect it, either. 

     We have thought up ways how others can obtain a "second chance" at living a more fulfilling life by teaching them the life skills they will need to succeed. It is not all about us making a living and having the freedom to run our own business. It's in fact about being selfless and paying-it-forward to those who need it. 

     Be sure to keep an eye out to see how far we get. There will even be future opportunities where you can help out if you choose.

Until next time, may the Lord fill your days with blessings and protect you wherever you go!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 2nd Community Yard Sale

We did it!

My mother, Arla, Beau and I had set our alarm clocks at 5:30 a.m. so we had more than enough time to pack up our product and miscellaneous items to set out on our tables. Let me tell you that packing everything into our cars was easier and quicker than pulling it back out of our vehicles and setting up the canopy and our two tables. Lol.

Once we were able to sit down and wait for new potential customers, Beau and I wanted to start painting some ornaments to help pass the time. That was not an easy task when ones fingers are just about frozen. Yeah, here in Florida it still gets a bit ch-chilly to where we have to wear a thick jacket. Thankfully, we were given a couple 'FREE COFFEE' coupons since we were vendors. Those two coffees helped my fingers biiiiiiiiiiig time! Lol. I had managed to do an ornament before having to stop because the numbness was creeping back into my fingertips; thus, making it hard for me to function... again. 

About an hour later the sun started to pop up over the trees and send it's warmth the chase the numbness away. I was able to get at least another two ornaments done before deciding to pack up my extra supplies. It was waaaaaaaaaaaay too much work involved when one had to attempt to stay warm AND paint. 

We met a few good customers. One bought a wall clock, two customers bought a couple bundles of picture frames, and a jolly fellow bought a 2" fish ruler to send as a gift to his uncle. A lot of potential customers would walk by, checking out our items at a slooooow pace. But one lady stopped to buy two of my Valentine Heart Ornaments only to quickly add another one to make it a total of three ornaments sold. I was so thrilled!

Many vendors would walk away disgruntled because they made a whopping $13.50 on their first time out as a vendor at a community yard sale. Me? I was ecstatic that I sold three ornaments!! I made these with my own two hands and painted them with ideas in my head. I sold my very own creations! Who honestly cannot be happy with that?!

Not only did we make some pocket change, an elder lady was walking around and handed us a red flyer stating that she is scouting for vendors to join the yard sale her church is doing for the following weekend.
On February 9th we will be going to the Forest Lutheran Church as a vendor in an attempt to sell our product and miscellaneous items.

Depending on how it goes at the church sale, there is a possibility that we would have a guaranteed monthly gig on the second Saturday of each month. Doing this one along with the Silver Springs  Community Sale on the first Saturday of each month, I would have to say that we will be pretty busy for the last two weeks of the month getting everything ready to sell all over again.

Talk about an exciting day!?
I am all worn out just thinking about it. Lol

Birth of something...

...New?  ...Great?  ...Promising?

How about something that you can pass down to your chosen loved ones? 


Life's Treasures & More was created back in May of 2012 with the simple idea of creating products that you can give to whoever you want at a price that you can afford.

"What kind of products?" You may ask.

Our product lines will start out with the
Seasonal Organic Ornaments. 
These adornments are 100% organically (for those who are of organic-sound-of-mind) made with flour, salt and water. Let me warn you about one thing though...

Do NOT try to eat these ornaments.
They are NOT cookies!

"What themes will we cater to?"

We will do seasonal ornaments for Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.
But we will not stop there!
There will be ones to pick from with all of the different holidays we all celebrate.

Now even though we are a Christian-based business, we will cater to holidays that are non-Christian. So if you are Atheist, Jewish, Wiccan/Pagan, Islamic, Buddhist or African... All you have to do it send us an e-mail with your request of whatever you are looking for.

We are here to help you create memories that you can hand down to those whom you love.

~ * ~

In the future, we will be offering the following products:

~  Lighted Potpourri Jars (by Beau Risley)
~  Painted Home Decor Signs
~  Hand-crafted Jewelry
~  Assorted Greeting Cards
~  Postcards (by Arla Kandel)
~  Sewing Notions (by Lois Lawter)

So be sure to check back regularly 
and see what has been added!